Dream in Color
Fantasy Art
Hand Painted Denim Jackets
By Artist
Kimberly Stourton
Art for Good
Art created by Dream in Color to benefit fundraisers and charity events.

Follow the Imago Brick Road

Imago was a local business in downtown Elgin, Illinois. Their roof collapsed after a heavy snowfall in 2021. Local artists painted the bricks from the rubble. These bricks were sold that summer at the Farmer's market to help the Imago owners with expenses.

Gnomes for Homes

Imago Legacy Brick

Special art bricks were created for the businesses in Downtown Elgin with what was leftover from the Imago fundraiser. This brick is a gift to Elgin Artspace Lofts.
Gnomes for Homes is a fundraiser benefiting PADS of Elgin. Local artists transformed gnomes and other figurines into Fall and Halloween themed art, which were then sold at auction. Dream in Color began with a Christmas children's choir and created a coven of witches complete with glowing eyes.